10 commandments of successful shooting

10 commandments of successful shooting:

  1. Prepare the shoot. – Once you are in the field, things are hectic and changing. Stick to the plan. Know the equipment and have the right equipment.
  2. Punctuality – be on time and respect time.
  3. Courtesy – to the people you are shooting, the setting and the environment. Crew members (no kind of argument on set). Documentary/Narrative work is teamwork.
  4. Accountability – play your role.
  5. Teamwork is critical.
  6. Decisiveness – Producer is important.
  7. Flexibility
  8. Redundancy – double and triple check.
  9. Safety manual – it is dangerous occupation.
  10. Fitness

If all crew members follow these 10 commandments are expect the shoot to be nothing by successful!!

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